Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A PICTURE IS WORTH 1000 WORDS. . I DID IT!!!!! I finally cracked the code on my nutrition and I MADE PROGRESS!!! I'm so freaking happy that I want to shout it out from the top of the Empire State Building!! Find out more at the end of the post!! . I just completed the #UltimateReset and my physical results were like 😮 WHOA 😲!!! But better than that were the changes in every other aspect of my life. I sleep better I am calmer (well as calm as a NY could be) I take the TIME I need to make sure I take care of myself which allows me to take care of others. Im not sluggish and I'm not cranky and I'm not stiff and sore all the time!! The sleep is amazing!! . Final RESULTS: I'm DOWN TEN POUNDS !! 10 in three weeks !!! Holy shit!! Measurements: Chest -1" Arms -.5" EA Thighs: -2" EA Hips -3" Waist -4.5"!!!!!!!!!! Say whaaaaa?? . I adapted to a very clean life style. I slowly weaned off animal proteins and grains and actually went VEGAN for two weeks!! I will add back fish and chicken one at a time. But after feeling this good I'm sure to stick with it. I'm a little nervous about going to Punta Cana- cuz I will have a cocktail but I'm thinking there's no way I'll drink as much as I would have if this was a year ago. . I don't miss wine (seriously who did I turn into??) and I don't miss chocolate and I'm shocked that I don't miss fish or chicken. I'm shocked I survived well without it. . And I can finally BREATHE FREELY - while I'm still on an inhaler I no longer struggle, cough until I am out of breath or have the lung capacity on an 84 year old (that's where they tested back in January!!). . I cannot wait for this next phase of my life. I'm actually looking forward to turning 47 as this will be the healthiest birthday I've had since I finished treatment!!!!! FINALLY!!! I feel like I've been unleashed. You can SEE how unhappy and frustrated I was in the before pic. The smile on the after pic SAYS IT ALL!! Look out world!! I'm bringing sparkle and shine wherever I go. MUH LOVE IG!!

BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF!!! Tell me about yourself!!! I wanna know!!! GO!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017