Wednesday, May 25, 2016

#NationalWineDay is the day before my birthday?? May is a good month!! . But didn't we celebrate this back in February?? 😂🍷💖🎁

How I ever cared about my critics is beyond me. Back to my roots and #ZeroFucks give about those who have season passes to sit in the stands of the arena. I am Me without Apology. . THE MAN IN THE ARENA. . It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. . #ManInTheArena #TheodoreRoosevelt #QuoteOfTheDay #EveryDayIsAGift #TruthBomb #EveryDayIsAGift #beYOUtiful #BreastCancerSurvivor #FearlessVixenFitness

#TrueStory and I can run well.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Being told you are NED - that there's no evidence of disease is the best high a girl could ask for. It's such a motivating feeling of elation. . #thankful #blessed #BreastCancerSurvivor #EveryDayIsAGift #BeYOUtiful #FearlessVixen #happy #RisingStrong

#HowYouDoin?? I'm off to see my amazing oncologist for my annual follow up at #MSKCC. Three years ago on May 24th two days before my 43rd birthday I met with my surgeon who put my mind at ease. My bilateral #mastectomy was scheduled and I was no longer living in that Hell of Darkness where you wait and wait to find out what's going to happen to you. . Today I expect a great appointment with my oncologist (who just had a baby!) and as I head into my 46th year I will again feel better & more grounded as to where I am. . Everyday it becomes more and more of a faded memory. While I'm always vulnerable to something that may happen I will continue to move on and fully live my life by #RisingStrong. . I refuse to spend my days waiting around for something that might happen. I didn't wait around the first time and it's a lesson well taught and learned. . Nothing is guaranteed in life but I sure can set into motion days of happiness and joy that taste even sweeter being a survivor. . We have all survived something - haven't we? . #NYC #StrongerEveryDay #refuse2Sink #BreastCancer #CancerSurvivor #MyStory #MyLife #LifeIsBeautiful #EveryDayIsAGift #BeYOUtiful #love #happy #FearlessVixen

Make Monday Yours!! . #OwnIt #Monday #EveryDayIsAGift #CoffeeAddict #BeYOUtiful #lol #PassTheCoffee #MondayMotivation #refuse2Sink z#StrongerEveryDay

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sitting pretty sassy by the pool in #MyrtleBeach. . This lady right here @jkthompson Jayme made this possible for me and 19 other amazing women. . #LivingTheDream instead of just day dreaming. I'm no longer doubting my choices, my passion or my ability to help others. . #TheCoachLife #Refuse2Sink #Survive2Thrive #BeachBody #FearlessVixenFitness

Go ALL IN today!!! Then stay consistent 🌟 . #fitmoms #NeverGiveUp #RefuseToSink #FearlessVixenFitness #fitspo #eatclean #trainmean #nevermissamonday #FrindTilYouShine

Beach Hair, Don't Care. . Oh wait, I do! It's only 45° in NY!!! Take me back to #MyrtleBeach!! I was blessed with the opportunity to earn my place at our 2016 Success Retreat and it was an amazing team building, friendship growing and self reassurance five days together. . Our theme was #RefuseToSink and if y'all know me you already know I'm feisty enough to #NeverGiveUp. I feel like the last year has been a year of regrowth of not just my hair but of my spirit. Life has gotten crazy and it's too easy to get bogged down by the details. . I cast all my fears into the ocean and I'm moving forward!! Today while it's so cold I will remember that toes in the sand feeling while writing out my goals and creating a new dream board. . Oh yeah I'll be detoxing on the food and wine too 😄. #BeAwesome today and everyday!!! #GoodMorning #FearlessVixenFitness