Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

“Don’t Be Fooled, Even Princesses Can Become Warriors When Tested By Dragons.”. #TrustTheJourney, Always 💗 On Friday I will undergo a partial hysterectomy at Sloan. (It isn’t cancer, thank God.) The incredibly heavy bleeding I’ve endured for the last four years is directly related to #Tamoxifen. As usual, I’m the one with the rarer side effects. I never talked about this problem but maybe I should have. Maybe I should have thought it was less normal than my mind made it to be. This condition has a name & it’s kinda fun to say... #Metrorraghia... but it sure as hell ain’t fun to endure! It landed me in the ER where I had a blood transfusion followed by a D&C and an ablation. My current gynecologist has been monitoring me and helping me. We were going to attempt a second ablation, but it for crazy reasons it just didn’t happen. However, I believe that things always work out for the best. My oncologist referred me to a specialist at #MsK. I met him and for the first time I not only had an answer, I had a solution!! He said the Tamoxifen was stimulating the uterus more often than it should. (The result of this is bleeding beyond comprehension.) I share this because nobody should have to go through it! Abnormal bleeding doesn’t have to be a way of life. It affected everything I did from sleeping, to driving, to working out and to even standing outside my daughter’s school to pick her up. It caused me so much anxiety - and I’m not an anxious person! What kind of anxiety? THE FEAR OF BLEEDING OUT every time it happened. I’m fully anemic with Low hemoglobin. THANKFULLY I met this specialist who will remove the uterus and the tubes (I get to keep my ovaries). This solution means no more excessive bleeding and not being thrown into menopause!! Hallelujah! I was so happy I could have flown above Manhattan. Yes, it’s still surgery. No, it’s not cancer. I can finally move forward, still take the Tamoxifen and continue to kick cancer’s ass that way. Surgery makes me a little nervous 😬 but I know I’m in good hands. It’s all apart of the journey... and I trust it. #BeYourOwnHero