Sunday, August 28, 2016

Three years ago today my amazing friend Janet @janetrufinsparlor chopped my hair off so I could prepare for losing my hair due to #chemo. They told me it would begin to fall out 14-16 days after my first treatment and this was say 14 - just before my second treatment. . It looked pretty and at the time I was unsettled about losing my hair. It's scary. For anyone that goes through chemo until maybe when it starts happening. . Within the next week I would drive around with the windows open and my hair would be blowing in the wind ----- literally flying off my head. lol!!! It was kinda funny - kinda strange - and then you just want to get it over with. . The pretty hairdo lasted for less than two weeks. I cried seeing in clumps on my pillow (wear a sleep hat to catch it) and when it come out in clumps when I washed my hair. The thing is.... You eventually come to terms with it. If you're going through it now or have recently been diagnosed you will one day say "it's just hair". . I know for me I was more afraid to lose it because once I could sport the bald look (which I never did because I loved my wigs thankyouverymuch) it would be REAL and other people would know. That's where my real fear manifested itself. . After it happens you just focus on the prize - eventually it would be over and God willing it would all grow back. Three years later I'm considering cutting my hair like this again - but after it taking so long to grow back I'm not sure. It's just one of those girl things. . And you know what? #. I appreciate this decision more now than I ever would have before. I never forget where I was not that all my pinksisters (and cancer bothers and sisters) are still fighting and surviving. . My point is this - smile because you're beautiful and you'll still be beautiful once your hair goes flying in the wind too. โœจ๐ŸŽ€โœจ. #survive2throve #victim2vixen

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